The Kerala Story Real Truth | केरल की कहानी असली सच्चाई

      The Kerala Story Real Truth | केरल की कहानी असली सच्चाई

the kerala story

The Kerala story alludes to the financial advancement model followed by the Indian territory of Kerala. Kerala, situated in the southwestern piece of India, has earned worldwide respect for its noteworthy accomplishments in the fields of wellbeing, training, and social government assistance regardless of being a somewhat unfortunate state concerning per capita pay. The Kerala model of improvement is portrayed by areas of strength for on training and medical services, as well as land changes, which assisted with rearranging area to landless ranchers. The state has likewise executed different social government assistance conspires that give advantages to minimized segments of society, like ladies, kids, and the older. One of the key factors that have added to Kerala's prosperity is its high proficiency rate, which is the consequence of a supported spotlight on instruction. Kerala has likewise taken critical steps in the field of medical services, with the state's general wellbeing framework being broadly viewed as truly outstanding in the country. One more significant part of the Kerala model is its emphasis on decentralized arranging and nearby self-administration. The state has areas of strength for an of participatory majority rules system, with neighborhood bodies, for example, gram panchayats and metropolitan companies assuming a huge part in direction. In general, the Kerala model of advancement has been praised for its human-driven approach, which focuses on the prosperity of individuals over monetary development. While the state actually faces different difficulties, including joblessness and pay disparity, its outcome in regions like schooling, medical care, and social government assistance fills in as a motivation to other creating areas all over the planet.

                                    Movie story

A changed over Muslim lady Fatima Ba portrays her experience of how she once needed to turn into a medical caretaker yet was stole from her home and controlled by strict vanguards, transformed into an ISIS psychological militant and arrived in Afghanistan prison.

Fatima Ba (beforehand Shalini Unnikrishnan), an ex-Hindu lady from Kerala portrays her account of being changed over and incited to turn into a self destruction plane working for ISIS. The account narratives the tale of two more Non-Muslim nursing understudies from Kerala who are utilized as the culprits of public "jihad." The film investigates the tool stash of drawing honest youth (particularly ladies) into committing demonstrations of psychological oppression by orderly programming, substance misuse, sexual abuse and unlawful dealing across borders and furthermore the intrinsic issue with exclusionist zealots of Islam.

Fatima is blamed for being a psychological oppressor and gotten on the Afghan - Iran line during the cross examination she delights that she is Shalini Unnikrishanan and from Kerala who was programmed into turning into a terrorist.Shalini lived with her mom and grandma in Kerala who went to concentrate on nursing in the city and met three companions Nimah Matthew,Gitanjali and Asifa.The three young ladies reinforced well and Asifa who had a place with an Islamic Jihadi gathering would continuously let them know that there is just a single religion and one god on the planet and individuals who wont accept him won't accomplish salvation.Asifa alongside Abdul and Rameez causes such circumstance among the young ladies that out of dread Shalini and Gitanajali begin to wear Hijab and begin to accept that no other god exits.While Nimah who feels something off-putting chooses to invest less energy with the gathering and parts away.Shalini becomes pregnant with Abdul and is compelled to acknowledge Islam yet Abdul escapes according to the arrangement and she is compelled to wed Ishaq accepting secure future for herself as well as her kid.But what Shalini doesn't know is that she will be unlawfully extradited across many boundaries and taken to Syria to turn into a self destruction plane.

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